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Terms of Service
Thank you for using - best for all your marks, free dragging and dropping online storage system
Release date:
These Terms of Service took effect on March 01, 2013. There are no previous releases.

This is Beta version of but it is required that you carefully read and accept this Terms of Service, before you create your account on We try to explain definitions and rules as simple as possible but if something is unclear please use our help pages.

[#] is free for private and commercial use. You can use if you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


User Content is collection of your favorites e.g. links to websites, ftp servers or files, or short notes...

Original presentation You can make oryginal presentation of User Content using available styles, or real unique composition by creating and using your own styles.

Displaying online Some styles have a possibility to display link online (photo, video) direct in User Content. But you have to know that if photo or video will be deleted from source server or remote server doesn't work - photo or video won't be showed in User Content. Links have to be in accord with Acceptable Use Policy.

Distinction If you want to organize your collection, you can use links names, descriptions, also titles, notes, markups... This is User Content too! Texts have to be in accord with Acceptable Use Policy.

Private or Share User Content You can store your collection only for yourself, or you can share them. There are three ways to sharing: for logged Users who are in Work Group, for all logged Users, for all Guest.

Group working You decide to create your Content yourself or with a group of friends. If you create Content with group of friends (friends have to be logged Users and they accepted Terms), you are responsible for publish illicit content.

We reserve the right to turn off sharing, or remove User Content, or remove User Account when Acceptable Use Policy will be flouted.

[#] respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its Users to do the same. Every User accepted Acceptable Use Policy - integral part of Therm of Service. If for unknown reasons, some User broke Acceptable Use Policy and infringed your copyright or trademark please read My copyright may be infringed troubleshooting for fastest problem solve.

[#] You agree not to post User Content that:
  • may create a risk of any loss or damage to any person or property;
  • seeks to harm or exploit children by exposing them to inappropriate content;
  • infringes any third party's Intellectual Property Rights, privacy rights, publicity rights, or other personal or proprietary rights;
  • contains any information or content that you do not have a right to make available under any law;
  • violates or encourages any conduct that violates laws or regulations;
  • contains any information or content we deem to be hateful, violent, harmful, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, defamatory, infringing, invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights, harassing, humiliating to other people (publicly or otherwise), libelous, threatening, profane, or otherwise objectionable;
  • contains any pornographic content
  • contains any information or content that is illegal

We care about the security of our users. We try to protect your account and content as best as we can. can not guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security measures.

Requirements help | What we save in cookies [#]

System require JavaScript and Cookies, otherwise, any of function will not work. In most browsers, by default JavaScript is enabled and Cookies are accepted.


Though we want to provide a great service, there are certain things about the service we can not promise. is provided "as-is", at your own risk, without express or implied warranty or condition of any kind. We also disclaim any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. will have no responsibility for any harm to your computer system, loss or corruption of data, or other harm that results from your access to or use of Of unexpected reasons (like server crash) or planned system or server upgrade we can not guarantee 100% access to your account. Contact us if you can not find answer in Help.

Donation form [#] web servers, databases and system is maintained mainly by users and fans voluntary donations. Our PayPal donations account:

P!otr [#]

The owner and founder of is Piotr Połomski, Poland.


We are working to improve and reserve the right to change our terms and write new Terms of Service. If we make a change, we will inform you. If you do not agree to the new Terms of Service, please stop using


Trademark is the property of respective owners.
All rights reserved.

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We are taking care that the system works properly. This is important for us, so if you find a bug, please inform us by bug form.

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