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Explore areas and functionality of the system.

Open menu Help Area ▾ and check area information, see what can you do at current subpage.

Help / Contact / System... Area - help or other information about system. All this subpages work like testing area. You can create test folders, add and manage test items. You have full test items privileges here (please try now: double click left mouse button). You can test the functionality of the system before you create own registred account.

Owner Area (User Content) - owner working area, you are owner of your folder with all structure. You have full folder privileges, and you have full management privileges for placed items.

Group Work - group working area - you are member of working group. You are allowed to view and manage items in folder.

View - view area for all - this folder is shared for all visitors. It does not matter if you are logged in or not. In this area you can only view items.

Group View - group view area - you are member of friends group. You are allowed to view items in folder.

Error area - all error and redirection pages, and other users private folders.

We hope that above information help you fast identify where are you and what are current folder items privileges. We tried to build intuitive system. If something is unclear we try below explain all doubts.


Full functionality area for store, manage and share items by registred, logged in users. In working area user can create, edit, remove, manage, resize, move elements, also can share folder or work in group with friends.

For logged in - working area is only for logged in users

Full functionality - all functions of the system are turn on, user have full items privileges

Manage groups - manage friends groups and folders privileges User ▾ Create new group

Private area - can create private area, by set folder privileges to owner only view and work

Database stored - all user settings, information and items are stored in database

Unlimited items - user can create unlimited number of folder, links, pins

Unlimited time - there is no time limit for usage

For remove all activity in Working Area just remove your account in Guest ▾ Advanced settings menu, next clear browser cookies - in most popular browsers works CTRL+SHIFT+DEL keyboard shortcut.


Almost all system and information subpages works like large testing area. You can test the functionality of the system before you create own registred account. Almost everywhere you can drop test link, create test folders, or move page elements. Please try - e.g. in new window open ebay and list something, next drop here any listing link, next click right mouse button and change item style.

Partial functionality - in test area all settings, information and testing items are stored in cookies [?], so it is not possible to test all system functions. E.g. creating styles, creating groups, sharing, group work are OFF.

Items limit - in testing area guest can create limited number of links, pins, folders for tests, when limit exhausted, need to remove some your items for create new.

Time limit - settings and items will be remove after time limit when cookies automatically remove

For remove test items click on Remove test items action in Help menu, or clear browser cookies - in most popular browsers works CTRL+SHIFT+DEL keyboard shortcut.


View area is when folder is shared. When you are logged, in User ▾ menu you can set Default rules and groups for all new folders, when you right click in folder background you can set current folder rules and group. There are three ways sharing:

For all visitors All guests and all logged users are able to view content. This is default setting.

For all logged users All logged users are able to view content.

Selected group Only logged users who are members of selected friends groups are able to view content. First create new friends group in User ▾ Create new group, next just right click on folder background for set privileges.

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If you like and you want to save your work please create New Account. The system is free to use.

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 bugs reports
We are taking care that the system works properly. This is important for us, so if you find a bug, please inform us by bug form.

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