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Getting started...
Drop here any link... Here? now?... yes! :) drop youtube video, photo, ebay listing, selected text... and see what happens is a free, fully intuitive system, which replaces existing conventional systems of storing and managing your favorites. Feel free to move, scale, delete test items. Use mouse buttons: left doubleclick for create folders, rightclick for menu.


When you plan to buy something, let's say a camera for macro photography, you usually gather many links to auctions, shops, sample photos, videos, reviews etc. The links are usually stored in different places, for example in bookmarks of browsers whereas photos and notes in files on HDD... Passing all this information on to somebody, e.g. to get some advice... well, that's possible but uncomfortable. Today with msDrop creating collections of links, photos, videos has never been that easy, quick, convenient and original. Add titles, descriptions and notes and whenever you want - share it with your friends and family. It's awesome and completely for free!


Create your collections of favorites videos, photos, links... and start with them, everytime. Use our Address / search bar - to open any URL address, search Internet or add new links to your collection. Read here how to set as your browser home page.


We believe that is a really powerful and convenient favorites management tool for everyone. You will be satisfied!

No fees, no paid subscription - is free for private and commercial use. Web servers, databases and the system are maintained mainly by voluntary donations of users and fans.

The easiest addition of links - just drop any link onto window

The easiest composition - freely moving and scaling all elements with mouse

Contextual menu - use right click contextual menu for edit content, edit style, or create items

Left doubleclick - create new folders by left mouse button doubleclick on background

Automatically save - added or moved items are automatically saved

No boredom, no schemes - full freehand compositions, no schemes. You can create your own styles of items and folders' backgrounds.

Rotated photo or video player - unique composition with rotated photo or embedded video player.

Online access - your collections are available from every computer all over the world

Multi-logging - create multiple accounts, log in without logging out and easily switch between your accounts

Group work - collection in folder may be created by a group of friends

Share folders - share your favorite collections with everyone or only with chosen people

Private folders - create link collections only for yourself

Color templates - set your favorite color scheme

你好, привет, γειά σου - you can use all Unicode letters, characters and signs that you want [?]

SEO friendly - though use of JavaScript almost everywhere, system links styles always includes classic <a href= HTML tag for Search Engine Optimization

Fast account creation - just type your working e-mail in the creation form, and click an activation link after receiving an e-mail.

Fast account removal - if you decide that don’t like, just remove your account


We still have a lot of work with, there is plenty of things which can be improved and corrected. It depends on you if and in which direction the system continues to grow. We appreciate all your donations. Feel free to contact us - we are waiting for your comments, opinions and suggestions.

 if you like us?
If you like and you want to save your work please create New Account. The system is free to use.

 home page
Start with your favorites anytime. Read how to easily set as your browser's home page.

 bugs reports
We are taking care that the system works properly. This is important for us, so if you find a bug, please inform us by bug form.

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