When you like one of available style but you want to make simple style changes, install it next click "cust" link for customize style [?]
id: 2 / sys [uninstall][default][cust] customize style: w:3000 x h:3000 bg:#A5CCF0 | id: 37 / sys [uninstall][default][cust] customize style: w:0 x h:0 bg:#FFDB99 | id: 52 / sys [uninstall][default][cust] customize style: w:0 x h:0 bg:#000000 |
Show: all | sys | yours / Create new style [?]<< < 12345 > >>
Antique paper v1 L&T id: 174 / sys Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Antique paper v2 L&T id: 175 / sys Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Antique paper v3 L&T id: 176 / sys Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Antique paper v4 L&T id: 177 / sys Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Antique paper v5 L&T id: 178 / sys Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Antique paper v6 L&T id: 162 / sys Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Antique paper v7 L&T id: 179 / sys Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Basic 1 - very light id: 34 / sys Basic very light background. Install, next modify background color.[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#F2F9FF |
Basic 2 - solid light id: 2 / sys Basic solid light background. Install, next modify background color.[install again][source] style details: shared: yes w:3000 x h:3000 backg:#A5CCF0 |
Basic 2a - solid light with noise id: 40 / sys Basic light background with noise. Install, next modify background color[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#A5CCF0 |
Basic 3 - solid id: 12 / sys Basic solid background. Install, next modify background color.[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#447CB0 |
Basic 4 - solid dark id: 21 / sys Basic solid dark background. Install, next modify background color.[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#1F486E |
Basic vignette v1 id: 158 / sys Basic solid background with vignette effect, for old style[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#B7B7B7 |
Books id: 228 / user [install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Books1 id: 229 / user [install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Books3 id: 230 / user [install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Books4 id: 231 / user [install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Books5 id: 232 / user [install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |
Bubbles bg v1 id: 188 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles bg v2 id: 189 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles bg v3 id: 190 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles bg v4 id: 191 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles bg v5 id: 192 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles bg v6 id: 193 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles bg v7 id: 194 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles clear bg v1 id: 186 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Bubbles clear bg v2 id: 187 / user Bubbles background[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#184908 |
Coffee beans bg id: 209 / user Full screen image[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#452317 |
Czytnik id: 220 / user Texture from lostandtaken.com[install now][source] style details: shared: yes w:0 x h:0 backg:#CDBF9C |