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When you open your browser, the first page that you will see is called the Home Page. For safety reasons in most popular browser there is no "one click" way for setting Home Page, but it is very simple. First find Preferences/Options Menu, go to Basic/Main tab and there replace existing Home Page URL address with

Watch video at YouTube how to set as your Home Page


In most popular browsers it is simply step, the same way. Put mouse pointer over URL address icon (favicon) drag and drop it over Bookmarks Bar.

Sometimes Bookmarks Bar is not visible in default, so you need to set them visible first. Please try CTRL+SHIFT+B keyboard shortcut, or find something like Bookmarks Bar in Tools, or View menu and enable it.

Watch video at YouTube how to drop at bookmarks bar


If you already have own collection in and you want to show it friends you can share it on Twitter, Facebook or Google+. You find social networking links in folders background rightclick menu.


Create groups of friends, and set folder privigles. Next invite members of group by sending them classic email. We are sorry but, there is no mass-email sending form.


If you like, you can subscribe our channel on YouTube - you find there video guides and system application. On Twitter, Facebook or Google+ we will inform you about new modules, options, styles... You find our networking links in Help menu. Thank you for clicking "Like it".


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If you like and you want to save your work please create New Account. The system is free to use.

 home page
Start with your favorites anytime. Read how to easily set as your browser's home page.

 bugs reports
We are taking care that the system works properly. This is important for us, so if you find a bug, please inform us by bug form.

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