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Set up for fast and comfortable use. Change color, password, and advanced settings.

There is actually 28 basic templates in Guest ▾ System color template menu. Every color have brightness setting (range: -42 to +42), so this should be enough for most users. If there is no your favorite color, it is possible to add new template - please contact.

Selected color is used mainly for stylize your menu bar, drop-down menus, system windows, help and all other system elements and pages.

Second, experimental application is for stylize dynamically changed items. When you customize item, installed style or create new style you can use %cta[XX] instead hex color, or color name. Read more about dynamically changed item color.


When you are logged in, you can simply change your password in User ▾ Change password menu. This is a very easy but please remember your new password or note it in a safe place, becouse system will not send you mail with new one. After change password you will be automatically relogged. In your new password you can use 6-20 case sensitive characters in range: a-z, A-Z, 0-9.


Guest ▾ Advanced settings menu is a set of options that helps personalize Some options are available only for logged users.


Default search engine (default Google)

Account title (default empty, up to 30 chars). This is any title or name of your account. It is displayed e.g. in Meta Title.

Link email with User ID (default Off). In default your friends can find your page only by your ID, but the problem is they do not know your ID.

  • Linking Off example: my account ID is 2, now if you know my ID, you can type 2 in Address bar system show you my collection. But if you type my email in Address bar you see only Error 404 "Not exist" page.
  • Linking On example: you do not know my ID number, but you know my email and if you type it in Address bar system show you my collection.

Effects (animate opacity, fade) (default On). When you are not a fan of visual effects like animated opacity or fade you can turn it off. It is recommended to turn off when you have slow CPU/GPU processor or slow internet connection.

New folder by left doubleclick (default On). Fast left mouse clicking for quickly navigate may be received by your operating system as left doubleclick. Then unnecessarily are created new folders. You can turn off creating new folders by mouse left doubleclick and for create new folder use only right click menu.


Set account options to default This action will clear all your user account settings, and replace it with system default. Some settings like color template are set randomly.

Remove all my folders and items This action will remove all folders you are created and all items you are added to system as user.

Remove my account This action will remove your user account with all folders and items you are added to system as user.

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If you like and you want to save your work please create New Account. The system is free to use.

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We are taking care that the system works properly. This is important for us, so if you find a bug, please inform us by bug form.

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